Back To School!!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Allergic reaction Emengecy

Allergic reaction Emengency 

     Hey everyone, today I will be writing about allergic reaction emergency and allergic reaction I had. I hope you like it!! 
     Usually a serious allergic reaction causes anaphylaxis which can cause your airways to close. If you instantly epi-pen yourself your reaction should begin to stop but still call 911. Some symptoms of a anaphylaxis reaction are dizziness or fainting, low blood pressure, trouble breathing, rapid pulse, vomiting, and skin reactions meaning hives or pale skin. If you have two or more symptoms you should always epi-pen or follow you doctors action plan before your allergic reaction gets worse.
     I have had many allergic reactions but knock on wood I have never used my epi-pens!! One of my reactions where I should have used my epi-pen was from a waterpark where I was on a vacation with my family. As we were leaving they had cookies that you could decorate yourself. I could not have them but they had a cookie for me it was peanut and tree nut free.  My mom checked the ingredients and there was nothing in there that alarmed her, little did we know there was peas in the cookies and I'm allergic to peas. At the time I didn't know there was peas so I ate the cookie. Me and my mom thought the cookie was totally safe until we got into the car. I felt my throat was closing so we instantly gave me allergy medicine but we should have epi-pened. Thank god the allergy medicine worked because if it didn't work we would have had to epi-pen me and that would have not been fun!! Even though we didn't have to epi-pen, all through this reaction I was panicking, but at the end of my reaction I was ok. Do the right thing and do them fast you will be ok in a allergic reaction emergency. 
     Thank you so much for reading my blog!! Allergic reactions can be so scary but you have to put your fears aside and do the right things to make sure you live after this allergic reaction. 
      Peace out 


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Allergy bullying

Allergy Bullying

     Hey everyone I'm back!! Today I will be writing about bullying. Allergy kids may get bullied more often because of their allergies, at least I did. 
     When I was in public school I missed a lot of school because of my allergies and because of that people made fun of me for not coming to school. It was hard to ignore them because they were focused on me, at least that's what I thought. They would say wow your actually at school today, I didn't think you where coming. Through out the rest of my day I felt hurt because of those few words someone said to me that meant nothing. Eventually I decide to be tough and ignore them and not let them bother me, which was very hard to do. 
     If you are being bullied, you should always tell someone before it gets worse, I told my mom. Being bullied may make you feel like you are nothing and may make you feel like everyone hates you. You need to tell yourself nobody hates me and I am special because I have allergies and I am me.
     Thank you so much for reading my blog. I am so happy to be back writing. I will be posting every Wednesday and sometimes Saturday!! Always remember you are special because you have allergies and you are who you are.  

Peace out
          Izzy ✌️