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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Those Itchy Red Dots

Those Itchy Red Dots 

What's up everyone, In this blog I will be talking about eczema! I have a lot of eczema. I knew the only way to fix my dry skin was lotions, I was always scared to try new things like lotion. I have always been sensitive to a lot of things so I was never able to use lotions, your probably think, wow Isabel you probably look like a a alligator (hahaha you get it because they are dry and scaly).  We are still on the hunt for a lotion for me. Some natural eczema lotions are olive oil and shea butter.
Everyone who has allergies always has months like in May you get eczema and in September you get asthma. My months are in the summer and spring which are May-August I have eczema. In the fall and winter which is September-Feburary I have asthma!!  The reason why I have eczema is because I have a lot of allergies. When you have allergies you can get eczema, which is not fun!!! Some of the symptoms for eczema are redness or dry skin. People usually get eczema as babies or toddlers but thankfully usually grow out of it!!!
When I get itchy my parents usually don't get how much my legs and arms burn and itch. They usually don't know what to do. Sometimes what I will do is watch tv or go outside to get my mind off of my itchiness!!  Most of the time I look like a bumpy mess!!! I am hoping I will grow out of it soon ;)
 Thank-you so much for reading my blog. What will I do with all these red itchy dots??
Peace Out,


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