Back to school!!
Hello everyone, going back to school is hard especially with allergies. Todays blog I will talk about how to organize, how to prepare for school, and tricks to calm your stress and anxiety.
Back to school shopping is my favorite time of the year because you get organize all your new school supplies!! How I organize my school supplies is I label all my supplies by each class, that way when I have math I know what notebook to grab. You can also color code you supplies like have math be blue and science be green. organizing all your school supplies should limit stress and anxiety because you know blue equals math, and green equals science.
Preparing yourself for school with allergies is a tricky situation but some thing you can do is, make sure you have all safe foods for your school lunches. Another thing you can do is call your school and make sure all your classes are allergen free. Also you can make sure you have a action plan at your school telling what to do in allergic reaction emergency. Of course always have your epi-pens at your school!
I always have stress and anxiety about starting school. Over the years I have found some cool skills to limit my stress and anxiety. I really like to write things down on my planner that I have to do so I stay organized and productive! Another thing you can do to limit your stress and anxiety is, always be prepared, have all your supplies and books with you for a class. Last thing that could limit stress and anxiety is when you are studying, study for 25 minutes then take a 5 minute break so you are not consuming too much information and just focusing on one main topic you have to study.
Thank you for reading my blog, going back to school is not fun, but you can make it fun by decorating your supplies, getting cool school supplies, and staying organized. Always remember if you get stressed or have anxiety just take a break!! Comment down below when you start school I started August 27th. Have a fun first day of school!!
Peace out,
Izzy ✌️📚