Hospitals, ambulance, asthma, and more
Hey what's ups everyone I'm sorry that I have not been blogging but I am finally writing and I have big story to tell!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!!
It all started on December 26. It started with a cold and most asthma kids may know when you get a cold your asthma comes!! My cold started to get so bad that I could not even catch my breath. We held off to go to the hospital because we thought I would be fine. It hit night time and that's when it went down hill. We ended up going to the hospital and I was not happy.... So we got there and they said I had a bad virus and this thing called pneumomediastinum. Pneunomediastnum is when air leaks from your lungs and it created bubble in your chest and your neck and it hurts!! There is no treatment for this but they ended up putting me on oxygen and the ICU department watched over me . A fear of mine is getting an IV and guess what they did it, they put a IV in me. I was so scared but the positive thing was it made get better faster!!!
If you didn't know my biggest fear is ambulances and guess what i had to do, ride in one. They sent me over to another hospital because I needed more intensive care. I ended up staying the night and I got no sleep that night. The next day it was the same I got breathing machines and medicine and everything but I could not eat. All the hospital food came in contact with peanuts so I was so hungry. My dad went home to get me some food. We were so far away from home so it took like 3 hours because my brother was also sick at the time so he had to take care of him too. Finally my dad came back and at the time the nurse came in and said that I had to stay the night again. I was so sad I started to cry. I had to wear this mask for oxygen and I hated it and I could not take it off to sleep I was so sad and on top of it I was hungry. All through the night I could barely sleep. I pretty much only got 3 hours of sleep.
Then came the next day. I was so sick of the hospital but the good thing is that I was feeling better! They came in and told me the plan. They said I have to stay here for a little longer and they have to get me off the oxygen and by 1:00 pm I was off the oxygen!! They also said I have to take two more breathing machines and I have to be able to walk because I was so weak. I was feeling so much better and all I wanted to do is go home! Finally it was 5:00 and they said I could go home but first they had to make sure I was good. They listened to me and made me walk and guess what I was good to go!! At 7:00 pm I was on my way home!! When I got home I wanted food so my mom made me soup!!
I home now and I am feeling much better but I still have those pesky bubbles!! Thank you so much fro reading my blog!! I hope to be able to write more!! I hope everyone had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Peace out, Izzy💗🚑