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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What Its Like To Be A Allergy Kid On Thanksgiving

What Its Like To Be A Allergy Kid On Thanksgiving  

Hi everyone, I was able to write again and since Thanksgiving is tomorrow I decide to write about what it's like to be a allergy kid on Thanksgiving! On Thanksgiving I was always able to to have all the dinner food but when it comes to dessert I was never able to have the pumpkin pie or the apple pie or any store bought food which really sucked because I really liked those pies. Also since I can't have fruits or vegetables I could never have corn, peas or carrots with my meal.
There are many good things about Thanksgiving like, the turkey.  My family always makes sure the turkey is safe because thats the best part haha! One of our traditions is that we like to name our turkey!! Comment down below what you think we should name our turkey this year!! Another good thing about Thanksgiving is spending time with your family and I always feel safe with my family!
Some good ways to stay safe on Thanksgiving is check all the labels.  I suggest if you really want to be safe is to call on the product you are trying to research.  I do this because if you didn't know companies do not have to put process in a factory that has peanuts and tree nut which is just not right. Ok lets get back on topic haha, another way to stay safe on Thanksgiving is always have safe foods I always hate to be left out. If you think you will feel left out then make your own safe food! That is what I do my favorite is lemon pie and cookies!! 
Thank-you so much for reading this blog! I really hope these tips help you have a safe and fun Thanksgiving. I can't wait to eat that nice juicy turkey made by my Grandma!! I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving feast, and family,  have a happy Thanksgiving!!!
Shout out to Grandma Harriet for cooking the best dinner. Happy Thanksgiving!
Peace out,                                                                                                                                        Izzy🎉


Monday, November 21, 2016

Asthma Facts And More

Asthma Facts And More

Hi everyone! In this blog I will be talking about asthma. Usually around this time my asthma is really bad because if you didn't know asthma is bad around cold or winter. Some people's asthma gets that bad that they get pneumonia. I have had pneumonia about 2 times and let me tell you it was not fun.
 If you didn't know asthma can be triggered by allergies, exercise, smoke, cold, sickness, and allergy reactions. I could never do any running sports because of my asthma if I did do any running then I would have a asthma attack.  If you were wondering the symptoms of asthma attacks well then here you go, some symptoms of asthma attacks are wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest. Another fun tip on asthma is if you are having a asthma attack and you don't have your breathing machine I suggest you carry a inhaler.  I carry around my inhaler where ever I go just like my epi-pens.
Some things to help your asthma is having a purifier in your house this helps clear and clean the air.  Our family has one and when you breath in the air it feels so much more clean then before!! Sadly there is no cure for asthma but there are ways to naturally help your asthma like taking vitamins and making sure your house is allergy proof like making sure there are no dust mite, dust and mold in your house. There are so many more ways to help your asthma naturally but these are just a few I really hope they helped you!! 
Thank-you so much for reading my blog. I really hope those facts helped you with your asthma or your kids asthma. I have suffered from asthma my whole life and I would like to share some facts about asthma to help other people!! Also Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my family! I cant wait to write more blogs for you guys and I can't wait for that yummy turkey haha!!!!
Peace out,                                                                                                                                                Izzy
                                                                                                                                                 This weeks shout out goes to:                                                   I really like your blogs and I think that are so cool!!    


Sunday, November 6, 2016

What its like to be allergy kid

What Its Like To Be A Allergy Kid 

 Hi everyone in this blog I will be talking about what its like to be a allergy kid! There are so many kids in the world that have allergies. The most common allergies are peanut and tree nut, pollen, egg, soy, milk, and wheat. Many people suffer from allergies. In the United States 50 million people have allergies.
If you are a allergy kid you know when someone is eating that yummy peanut butter cookie or those boiled eggs with that wheat bread you have always wanted to try you get so frustrated and sad that you can't eat it. That is how an allergy kid feels everyday. Allergies make you feel different, kinda like an alien! One of my dreams is that one doctor out of the 15 million doctors in the world find a cure for allergies!
I have severe peanut and tree nut allergies. Once a teacher was eating a nutter butter cookie in class. I got very scared.  I check labels all the time and I know what I can have and can't have. I carry a epi-pen where ever I go. I think every allergy kid should carry a epi-pen where ever they go.
Thank-you for reading my blog. This blog was mostly about how I feel as a allergy kid and some facts about allergies. I can't wait to post more blogs about allergies asthma and more!! 
This weeks shout out goes to......   Twitter:@zpretzsportzone He is my brother and he makes a blog about sports! If you love sports this is the blog for you.