Back To School!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Back to school!! #backtoschool #blogger

Back to school!!

     Hello everyone, going back to school is hard especially with allergies. Todays blog I will talk about how to organize, how to prepare for school, and tricks to calm your stress and anxiety.
     Back to school shopping is my favorite time of the year because you get organize all your new school supplies!! How I organize my school supplies is I label all my supplies by each class, that way when I have math I know what notebook to grab. You can also color code you supplies like have math be blue and science be green. organizing all your school supplies should limit stress and anxiety because you know blue equals math, and green equals science. 
     Preparing yourself for school with allergies is a tricky situation but some thing you can do is, make sure you have all safe foods for your school lunches. Another thing you can do is call your school and make sure all your classes are allergen free. Also you can make sure you have a action plan at your school telling what to do in allergic reaction emergency. Of course always have your epi-pens at your school!
     I always have stress and anxiety about starting school.  Over the years I have found some cool skills to limit my stress and anxiety. I really like to write things down on my planner that I have to do so I stay organized and  productive! Another thing you can do to limit your stress and anxiety is, always be prepared, have all your supplies and books with you for a class.  Last thing that could limit stress and anxiety is when you are studying, study for 25 minutes then take a 5 minute break so you are not consuming too much information and just focusing on one main topic you have to study.
     Thank you for reading my blog, going back to school is not fun, but you can make it fun by decorating your supplies, getting cool school supplies, and staying organized. Always remember if you get stressed or have anxiety just take a break!!  Comment down below when you start school I started August 27th. Have a fun first day of school!! 
Peace out,
Izzy  ✌️📚   

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Asthma Attack

Asthma Attack 

     Hi everyone, today I will be writing about a asthma attack that I had, in gym class. I almost had to go to the hospital!!! 
     When I was in the 5th grade we had gym class. In gym class each year we had a pacer test, were we had to run up and down the court when a buzz went off. Each time you went up or down the court the test wold count your score. Me being the competitive person I am wanted to win. I started running and I was so confident that I was going to win! I got to the score 50 and I started not to be able to breath, but I kept going. Then I got to score 65 and my asthma was even worse, But I kept going. I got to 90 and I could not do it anymore, I felt like  I was going to pass out. Right when I stopped I told my gym teacher that I could not breath he sent me straight down to the office. In my elementary school we could not carry any type of medicine so we had to go down to office. I remember being so embarrassed, but looking back on it I don't understand why I was embarrassed because I am a girl with asthma and I came In 2nd place!! I definitely should have stopped but I'm competitive and thats ok!!
     Thank you so much for reading my blog!! This is a little short one but I thought it was good real life story to tell!! If you have asthma you may know asthma is not fun but if you need your inhaler you should take it!!! Never let your asthma limit you because you are who you and asthma is just one part of you!!  

Peace out,

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Increase in food allergies!?

Increase In Food Allergies!?

     Hey everyone have you ever wondered why so many kids have food allergies? Today I will be writing about why so many people may have food allergies. 
    Why does 5.9 million kids have food allergies? Why did food allergies suddenly increase? The world may never know but there are some theories. In 2007 5% of children had food allergies nationwide. The percentage doubled in 2013, 10% of children had food allergies. Then in 2016 almost 25% of children had food allergies, Why?
     Some people may think vaccines? In 1940 the recommend vaccines were smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, and hertussie. Through 1940 to 2010 the vaccines have tripled. In 2010  14 vaccines were recommend. In 2010 children of the age of two received 24 vaccines, 5 vaccines per doctor visit, but why would vaccines cause food allergies? What is in the vaccines that may be causing food allergies? 
     Another theory is over exposure to food allergies. Back in the olden days people had to make there own bread form scratch, meaning they had to go get all their ingredients themselves and make the bread. Also in the 1900s was the first ever milk industry so many people back then didn't drink milk. Now people can just go and get bread and milk from their local grocery store. Also some people may think not enough exposure, which means when you are a baby your parent should give you peanuts, tree nuts and wheat and other allergens, if you do that you may not develop allergies? If over exposure may cause allergies why would not enough exposure cause allergies too, the world may never know?
     I believe that vaccines have caused so many food allergies over the years because, in 1940 there were only 4 vaccines which I believe were necessary. Now there are tons of vaccines for children and who know what's inside those vaccines. There are no true facts that the cause is vaccines or any other theories, but I hope one day someone will figure out why so many people have allergies and let us be free from wondering. 
     Thank-you so much for reading my blog, there are so many theories about why so many people have food allergies and these are just three. I do believe that vaccines may have caused the increase in food allergies but maybe you don't.  You can always have you own opinion, but I hope one day someone figures out why so many children have food allergies and I believe someone will, maybe it will be me or one of you!!
Peace out                                                                                                                       Izzy✌️

Wednesday, August 1, 2018



     Hey everyone today I will be writing about anxiety. I have anxiety! Having anxiety makes it hard to try new foods because my anxiety always stops me from eating things I want. 
     Have you ever worried about something? Anxiety can cause you to worry about many things and sometimes you won't even know why you are worrying. Anxiety can also cause you to feel tense or very fearful in situations like trying new foods or eating food with allergies. Some ways you can calm down your anxiety is, you can breath slowly to calm down a anxiety attack or distract yourself.
     I have had many anxiety attacks over my 14 years because of my allergies. Whenever I try a new food I always worry.  My brain would say to me, "what if you have a reaction", " what if you have to epi-pen", " what if you have to go to the hospital". Then I would say to my brain "What if I eat the new food and I'm perfectly fine". Over my 14 years I have gotten over my anxiety because I have told myself I will be ok and everything happens for a reason. I believe all things happen for a reason,  you may have anxiety but there is always a way to fight and overcome anxiety, so fight!! 
     Thank you so much for reading my blog! Anxiety is a hard thing to overcome because you always have these fears in your head. Having allergies too may make anxiety harder to overcome but you have anxiety and allergies for a reason and you can always overcome anxiety, so overcome it!!
Peace out

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Allergic reaction Emengecy

Allergic reaction Emengency 

     Hey everyone, today I will be writing about allergic reaction emergency and allergic reaction I had. I hope you like it!! 
     Usually a serious allergic reaction causes anaphylaxis which can cause your airways to close. If you instantly epi-pen yourself your reaction should begin to stop but still call 911. Some symptoms of a anaphylaxis reaction are dizziness or fainting, low blood pressure, trouble breathing, rapid pulse, vomiting, and skin reactions meaning hives or pale skin. If you have two or more symptoms you should always epi-pen or follow you doctors action plan before your allergic reaction gets worse.
     I have had many allergic reactions but knock on wood I have never used my epi-pens!! One of my reactions where I should have used my epi-pen was from a waterpark where I was on a vacation with my family. As we were leaving they had cookies that you could decorate yourself. I could not have them but they had a cookie for me it was peanut and tree nut free.  My mom checked the ingredients and there was nothing in there that alarmed her, little did we know there was peas in the cookies and I'm allergic to peas. At the time I didn't know there was peas so I ate the cookie. Me and my mom thought the cookie was totally safe until we got into the car. I felt my throat was closing so we instantly gave me allergy medicine but we should have epi-pened. Thank god the allergy medicine worked because if it didn't work we would have had to epi-pen me and that would have not been fun!! Even though we didn't have to epi-pen, all through this reaction I was panicking, but at the end of my reaction I was ok. Do the right thing and do them fast you will be ok in a allergic reaction emergency. 
     Thank you so much for reading my blog!! Allergic reactions can be so scary but you have to put your fears aside and do the right things to make sure you live after this allergic reaction. 
      Peace out 


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Allergy bullying

Allergy Bullying

     Hey everyone I'm back!! Today I will be writing about bullying. Allergy kids may get bullied more often because of their allergies, at least I did. 
     When I was in public school I missed a lot of school because of my allergies and because of that people made fun of me for not coming to school. It was hard to ignore them because they were focused on me, at least that's what I thought. They would say wow your actually at school today, I didn't think you where coming. Through out the rest of my day I felt hurt because of those few words someone said to me that meant nothing. Eventually I decide to be tough and ignore them and not let them bother me, which was very hard to do. 
     If you are being bullied, you should always tell someone before it gets worse, I told my mom. Being bullied may make you feel like you are nothing and may make you feel like everyone hates you. You need to tell yourself nobody hates me and I am special because I have allergies and I am me.
     Thank you so much for reading my blog. I am so happy to be back writing. I will be posting every Wednesday and sometimes Saturday!! Always remember you are special because you have allergies and you are who you are.  

Peace out
          Izzy ✌️

Monday, August 28, 2017

How I deal with my allergies

How I Deal With My Allergies
Fact of the day~every three minutes, a food allergy reaction sends someone to the emergency room 

Hey everyone, I am so sorry I have not been posting lately. I am starting a new blog schedule! My blog schedule is every Monday is a peanut, tree nut, and allergy blogs., every Wednesday is eczema blogs and every Fridays blog is asthma blogs.  Today's blog is about how I deal with my allergies!  I hope you like it!!
There are many ways that I stay safe with my allergies. One thing I do is check the ingredients list when ever I eat something even if I already ate this food before, just making sure no ingredients changed. Also if i eat out or go anywhere with food I always ask and make sure to tell who's making my food all my allergies. 
Finding new food that is safe can be really hard! How I find my safe food is I always look up safe food and I always look at food for a peanut crossed off it always makes my day! Also if you live close to Canada they have so much allergy free food. My family and I make a trip up there every month! Canada also has Kits K
ats thats are peanut free Twizzlers, Oreos, Chips Ahoy, and ice cream. My favorite food from Canada is the Kit Kats and the ice cream! 
Finally, allergies aren't always fun but why not make them fun!  I make my allergies fun by writing blogs,  giving everyone facts about ways to help your allergies, asthma, and eczema, it is super fun! Also you can always joke about your allergies like, don't call me peanut I'm allergic. There are many ways to make your allergies fun. Always make your allergies a good thing not a bad thing.  Don't let your allergies get you down make them, make you stronger as a person. 
Thank you so much for reading my blog! I hope you really enjoyed this blog and have a more positive impact on your allergies! I thought this would be a great blog because you guys don't know that much about me so I thought I would tell you how I deal with my allergies. Always remember make your allergies a good thing not a bad thing. Make your allergies make you stronger as a person.
Peace out
         Izzy 😜