How I Deal With My Allergies
Fact of the day~every three minutes, a food allergy reaction sends someone to the emergency room
Hey everyone, I am so sorry I have not been posting lately. I am starting a new blog schedule! My blog schedule is every Monday is a peanut, tree nut, and allergy blogs., every Wednesday is eczema blogs and every Fridays blog is asthma blogs. Today's blog is about how I deal with my allergies! I hope you like it!!
There are many ways that I stay safe with my allergies. One thing I do is check the ingredients list when ever I eat something even if I already ate this food before, just making sure no ingredients changed. Also if i eat out or go anywhere with food I always ask and make sure to tell who's making my food all my allergies.
Finding new food that is safe can be really hard! How I find my safe food is I always look up safe food and I always look at food for a peanut crossed off it always makes my day! Also if you live close to Canada they have so much allergy free food. My family and I make a trip up there every month! Canada also has Kits K
ats thats are peanut free Twizzlers, Oreos, Chips Ahoy, and ice cream. My favorite food from Canada is the Kit Kats and the ice cream!
Finally, allergies aren't always fun but why not make them fun! I make my allergies fun by writing blogs, giving everyone facts about ways to help your allergies, asthma, and eczema, it is super fun! Also you can always joke about your allergies like, don't call me peanut I'm allergic. There are many ways to make your allergies fun. Always make your allergies a good thing not a bad thing. Don't let your allergies get you down make them, make you stronger as a person.
Thank you so much for reading my blog! I hope you really enjoyed this blog and have a more positive impact on your allergies! I thought this would be a great blog because you guys don't know that much about me so I thought I would tell you how I deal with my allergies. Always remember make your allergies a good thing not a bad thing. Make your allergies make you stronger as a person.
Peace out
Izzy 😜